I was supposed to go to several shows yesterday but my body and the snow storm Nemo only allowed me to make it to one. One of my favorite shows every season is Rebecca Minkoff because the clothing is so wearable. You can literally wear one of those looks right off the runway without looking crazy or pretentious. She makes clothes for the stylish, trendy girl about the town. Firstly I almost died several times on my way to the show. Instead of using my better judgment and taking the train, I instead took a cab whose tires seemed to be completely lacking any traction once so ever. There we were slipping and sliding into other lanes. So much so that I told him to just pull over and let me out. But I got there in once piece but scared shitless. Now…lets check out these clothes!
Loved the backdrop graphic digital art for the show. Its a compilation of tweets and instagrams. I think its super cool! You could basically join the coversation and show up on the screen. That’s one of the things I love about Rebecca Minkoff she’s very in tune with the digital world and how to communicate with consumers.
I know Rebecca Minkoff is mostly known for her amazing bags but I’ll be damned if she doesn’t design the hell out of a coat/jacket. There are always 3-4 every season that I’d sell a kidney for.
Peep that bright blue eyeshadow!
Another great part of the show was running into so many well established bloggers such as Aimee from Song of Style (its impossible for this girl to take a bad photo), Kelly of The Glamourai working a cool tool belt and Leandra of The Man Repeller.
Now here’s a little info on my thoughts of Leandra….she’s effing amazing. To me she is the Oprah of bloggers….why you ask? Because she is super smart about her brand. She is always looking for ways to take her blog to the next level and she really is unique. I gotta give it up to her because she is one of the blogs I frequent to keep me on my toes. So I was walking with the crowd to exit the show.. and overheard her husband call her “Lee” (insert “how cutes” and “awwws” here). She turned and I was like holy hell..its Man Repeller. I got a little blog struck when I came face to face with her in her all denim, fierce pumps of origins I can’t recall and red lips. I asked for a photo, told her I was a fan and she made this crazy pose. We took like 4 photos (1 with my camera thanks to her hubs) and others with random people lol. She’s definitely the coolest blogger ever…no uppity attitude just good clean humble.
All in all a great show to risk my life for… and I even braved the snow afterward to the Zara two blocks up the street and scored these bad boys! I am a happy lady! New shoes and a photo with Lee!
I fricken LOVE LOVE LOVE leandra… she is always so nice and yes doesnt have that Im a celeb attitude that some of these other top bloggers have. Great recap missy…. I already miss you
Jenn and I were just talking about this! I love Leandra. I read some of the comments on her blog and it seems like people don’t like when she is constantly evolving regarding her blog but I love it. I want to see more style post though but I can appreciate her blogs angle. I love that she doesn’t take herself so seriously. Some bloggers do, and you can see through them like glass when they are at events like fashion week. What i love about her is that she seems to be there to enjoy herself not to be flashy and say
“i’m here” “I’m here”.
I love Leandra as well, I saw her speak last year at the Lucky Mag conference and it amazes me how well spoken and articulate she is. Like you said, she is really always looking for the next way to improve her brand and her ideas are always fabulous. I think the Oprah of bloggers is a great way to describe her!
I don’t normally look at collections on style.com but everyones posts on Rebecca Minkoff’s collection is making me want to!!