This was my first time attending Milan Fashion Week and I was really in for a treat. Being immersed in NYFW I knew that Milan would bring it to the streets in major style, or so I thought. Don’t get me wrong there was a whirl of inspiration, but the “wow” factor was very minimal. The Milano street styler’s keep it clean, comfy, and very classy chic. I felt as if everywhere Monroe and I popped up we were all out of sync, as most styles limited their colors to traditional black and white, or just a subtle splash of color or print. We stuck out unintentionally and onlookers smiled and automatically embraced us once they knew we were the American girls from NYC.
One thing that I was stricken by was the street styler’s are much more reserved when asked to snap a pictures. In NYC we are ready at moments noticed, from the second we do our last spot check before we hit the door, whether asked or not its a honor! For a second I wasn’t really sure why one would show up so fabulous and then hesitate when asked to be photographed. Without wanting to rudely display my NY-er attitude of,
“You should feel honored I think your style is that awesome to be hosted on, FashionSteeleNYC (with a smile of course)”,
I (politely) adjusted and snagged some great styles that stood out around the Duomo of Milan.
Photos by me, JadeBFord
This was only a kick start of whats to come. Stay tuned with whats next. Have a favorite style or picture? Comment below.
Keep up with me on Instagram and Twitter @JadeB_Ford on my experience in Italy and much more updates.
Be Only The Best you.
JadeB, Signing Off
Jade, your street style photos are wonderful. I like the slightly voyeuristic style because it looks less forced and posed. That being said, please keep in mind that those who are more “reserved” in style or when it comes to being photographed are most likely, actually working. It’s part of their job to go to fashion shows. While some magazines or organizations push for that, some don’t and expect their employees to follow suit. Also, believe it or not, just because there are people who work in the fashion business doesn’t automatically mean they are looking to be photographed or featured on a blog. So, don’t take it the wrong way, it’s just that, as you know, not everyone is there for the same reasons as others.
Hi Raquel,
In your statement you expressed all valid points that I agree with and am aware of. No offense was taken, I was used to the camera frenzy of NYC and was taken back by what I experienced and noticed in Italy during Milan Fashion Week.
It makes me smile to know you enjoyed the photos.
Thank you for your comment.