so there are times it every woman’s life when she visits Victoria’s Secret and goes ham (hard as a mofo). that day was a few days ago for me. i decided that I needed new bra’s. bras are definitely something most women have to invest in and it can be very complicated. I have lost a few pounds over the last 4 months and its shows most by my boobs. they have always been small but they are quite smaller now. not that I mind…I can go braless if I want without causing too much of a stir.
I knew i wanted a nice lacy lightly padded bra that would look nice when wearing my usual summer vaguely see through white tees and racer back tanks.
Behold I found this bra…notably named the Perfect Date Bra and was sold.

Bra: Victoria’s Secret
it was a definite fashion STEELE at less than $30 too. found it in the PINK section.
pretty ironic that its called the perfect date bra (or something along those lines) because I have recently joined Tinder. Yes…Tinder, the iphone dating app in which you shamelessly look through photos of potential dates in your area and either NOPE them by clicking an X or like them by clicking a heart. It is actually a great way to pass the time waiting for the bus or something to do when waiting in the grocery line. I’ve been on for about a week and so far have matched 18 times with guys who liked my photos. maybe soon enough I will put this bra to work.Have a great weekend dolls…im off to check out the Costume exhibit they have at the Prada Soho store of all the costumes made by Prada for the new movie The Great Gatsby! Squeal! I will post photos on my instagram.
It seems the older I get, the more I love lacy under things, and this bra looks perfect! As a fellow single gal, I may have to check that app out soon.
Love this bra very sexy woohoo lol btw Monroe love your hair like this!
I’m overdo for a good trip to Victoria Secret! I’m needing some stuff too but keep procrastinating.
ooooh~ I like!
I have a couple of VS other styles of underwire padded bras. This one is far and away the best. Holds up much better wash after wash. No more piling. My 6-month old bra looks as good as the new ones I just bought .