(Arc de Triumph at the end of Champs Elysees)
Champs Elysees is for ballers. 5th Avenue doesn’t really compare to Champs Elysees. Its big…its grand…it’s flanked by gorgeous trees that are perfectly manicured. Try to cross the street without having the right of way and you will surely be mowed down by the quickly moving French drivers. Yes their cars are smaller than American cars but you’d still probably break a leg if you were hit. It’s an exciting place to be. I mean come on…as soon as I stepped off the subway at Champs Elysees I witnessed a photo shoot. In the middle of the day a 5 foot 8 inch something blond beauty in a pink coat was surrounded by makeup artists and a guy holding one of those foil light reflectors. This my dear is Paris…the street of all streets or Rue of all Rues if you will. Where you come to window shop…or ball so hard.

Two of the best things….ok four of the best things about Champs Elysees are: Laduree, Monoprix, and the insanely huge H&M and Zara. I’ve become a full blown macaroon addict and this Laduree beckoned me from across the street.

With it’s famous blue paint with gold accents…as soon as I saw the building I knew I needed (not wanted) to go inside and stuff my face with as many macaroons as my already bloated stomach would allow. They did not disappoint either. I’ve found since being in Paris that I thrive on the basics: bread, wine, cheese, café au lait an occasional fruit or two and macaroons. I’d like to think of it as the Parisian Girl Diet….if only I could will myself to smoke. I just cant do that to my lungs though. Le sigh.

Monoprix is one of Paris’ main chain stores…much like the Target of Paris, only better. I’d been searching for one and even had to utilize a bunch of French to find my way to this one on Champs Elysees. It’s huge. It has everything you could ever want. I went for cotton underwear but I stayed for the Parisian elixirs i.e. acne treatments, facial toners, something to control shine, something to make you look instantly French etc. I went a little nuts in the pharmacy with lotions and stuff for skin. Let’s hope all the crap I got doesn’t turn me green.

Thus for those unable to ball like LeBron and his money in Louis Vuitton or in the BMW store…there’s always great stuff for reasonable prices at Monoprix. There is also a huge H&M and Zara as well but the lines for the dressing rooms were hella crazy so I would try to get there when they first open to avoid the crowds and insanely long lines. The walk is a leisurely one with you zigzagging back and forth to different shops before setting your eyes on the Arc de Triumph. It is really magnificent up close. I definitely plan to go again at night.

Keep up with my Paris Adventure on Instagram. I gotta get some shut eye. Paris fashion week starts tomorrow!
I love the places you are visiting! I love art and have Claude Monet’s The Japanese Bridge hanging in my office. You are visiting the best places! Monet’s home and garden looked magical. So inspired by your trip. I have always wanted to visit Paris and am taking mental notes!