i realized that i have a lot…and i mean a lot of shoes. I love them too. if i ever came home and discovered that i was burglarized…i would check my closet first….because flat screen tv’s come and go
but some shoes only are sold for a season!
check out this video i made featuring some of my favorites!
Song: Calvin Harris “Feel so Close”
Don’t forget to check out my YOUTUBE channel for insight into my outfit posts, a look into my apartment and Fashion Steele’s of the Week! Subscribe to get updates of when I post my latest videos!
follows are always awesome
Great post and amazing little tattoo <3
You seem to be so nice person 🙂
I’m craving converse at the moment! They are so effortlessly stylish! Thanks for sharing.
I don’t have one pair of sneakers, but I’ve always loved Converse’s…might jst get me one. If I were steal a pair of shoes from u..it’ll be the purple J.Campbells. Loveage!!! PS: I’m in love with ur apartment! Hpe to find one in the Harlem area in a few months.
This is such a cute and unique video! All your shoes are so awesome… what a great idea! xoxo
hahaha i completely agree with you. though i’d perhaps check my camera and laptop first. but if i lose them, and check my closet and find out everything is still intact, it will cure the pain hahaha.
Cute video! loved the opening and closing scenes 🙂
If only you were my older sister and we wore the same size (sigh) … Great post!
lol..funny video byu creative…the shoes are all gorge.
thanks a lot!
xx ali avenue
Gorgeous collection of shoes. And totally loving ur MOVES!!
And I miss u too. We should catch up for coffee or smth.
Every time is better visit your blog.
Your Header looks so professional 🙂
xoxo Leon Alexander
🙂 how cute is this!! Such a great way to express your love for shoes! great video!
Lol… this is TOO cute.. I mean who doesn’t lay with their shoes and give them all of their “Love and Affection” that they need. You do have a FAB collection as always… I would like to feature you on my “Shoe Obsession” article and interview you if you want..
Hey I saw you posted on shine by three about a gospel chruch. Can you please tell me where one is?? I totally want to go to one while I’m in NYC blogging. Thanks a bunch xx Awesome vids btw.
Amazing post!
That is the first place I would check too! lol, I thought I was the only one who loved her shoes so much!
Adorable video! Especially loving the shot where you’re sleeping with those gorgeous green wedges! Thought I was the only one that did that. hehehe
Your blog is AWESOME! We adore your sense of style! We too have a serious love for shoes, so we can definitely empathize with that!
Wardrobe Stylists, NYC.
Adorable video! your best yet!
Sick shoe game lady. I could use a pair of those sequin kicks in my life.
love shoesssssss
love your shoessss
and know you love vintage! come by my most recent post of tina fey wearing a vintage dress from my boutique!!! at the sags!!! let me know what you think of it! XO
How cute was this video!!! Very nice shoe collection
I love that you made a video of your favorite shoes. Pretty cool collection.
TVs come and go! Loll…you are too funny, but I agree!