designer spotlight: Mary Katrantzou

Designer Spotlight

I was flipping through my Marie Claire @ Work magazine and reading up on people and their awesome careers when I came across Natalie Massenet the founder and executive chairman of Net-a-Porter.
There she was smiling in the most incredible dress I have ever seen.
 A dress I had only imagined in my mind and searched high and low for.
It was the Vienoua Dress by designer Mary Katrantzou.
Her designs are stunning. They are super creative and look like paintings. Presently her designs are waaaaaaaayyyy out of my price range but I plan to start saving and buy that Vienoua dress (top right dress) for my birthday in May.
I will pair it with my Charlotte Olympia’s and bright pink lipstick and walk the streets of Barcelona in it. Here is a look at some of her designs.

Ughhhhhhhhhhh….why am I not RICH!
what do you all think of Mary Katrantzou’s designs?
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  1. November 14, 2011 / 2:43 am

    Wow! I love those dresses. I want!

  2. November 15, 2011 / 10:57 am

    I adore her so much.
    Thank you for your kind words, my dear Monroe.

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