So It’s my birthday today and ofcourse I dropped a load of money on whatever I wanted. It was fun really. I did save up for this because I knew it was going to happen. That little voice in my head that says..”Hey…it’s your birthday..treat deserve these $59 Sam Edelman pumps”. Haha.
I chose to listen to the little voice inside.
I went home for a few days and just got back into NYC last night. While I was at home my mom also got me some awesome gifts. I’m glad I got to spend some time with my family.
Tonight I’m going to Benihana for a dinner with some friends!
Check out some of my buys.
Tonight I’m going to Benihana for a dinner with some friends!
Check out some of my buys.
My Cynthia Steffe Birthday Dress via
Got these 2 pair of sunglasses while visiting home in North Carolina. Only $5 each! Fashion STEELE!
2 Patterson J. Kincaid tops…loving this first floral one..I’ve actually worn in 4 times since I got it last week..haha. My Cynthia Steffe Birthday Dress, 7 for All Mankind LBD, BCBGeneration Green Dress.
My birthday Shoes
Sam Edelmans peep toes via Nordstroms Rack $59! Sam Edelman black wedges (Bday gift from mom), Steve Madden Platforms (Bday gift from mom)
Ridiculously awesome dressy sweat/ the shinny design. H&M.
Green necklace via Nordstroms Rack (Moms Gift)
Aldo Purse
Do me a birthday favor…and go vote for my Chanel Rouge COCO Shine Video
Vote daily until May 31st for me to win a trip of a lifetime to Paris!
Thanks to everyone who already sent me birthday wishes.
I sure feel special!
I sure feel special!
wow, awesome birthday shopping spree…now I can’t wait for mine! (6 whole months away lol) I love the white watch and the black necklace! you didn’t say where they are from…so wait, are you 27 now? you don’t look a day over 23! Happy Birthday!
très jolie vidéo, et j’adore tes robes, surtout la première, et tes chaussures sont magnifique
Happy Birthday! Super cool buys! Loving the floral Patterson Kincaid top, the birthday dress and the black Sam Edelman’s your mom got you especially!
Happy Birthday girl!!! Those Steve Madden’s are beautiful….Can’t wait to see how you will rick them 🙂
happy birthday!!
hope you have fun
Isn’t it great to treat yourself on your birthday? I celebrate the entire month. Crazy huh? I hope your day is splendid and full of love. Xo!
I have the same Sam Edelman Novato’s in Olive Green lol. Great minds do think alike. Glad that you treated yourself well on your bday, you work so hard you deserve it!
Happy Birthday Monroe! TAURUS POWERRRR!!!!
I think I am apart of but stopped paying attention because I went to a few duds. Let me know when’s the next meetup I would love to meet you. Emall me the info when you get a chance, peace
Mmi L.
woah like dream birthday… seriously!!
the dress and amazing shoesss
and happy birthday of course xx
Happy bithday. Hoope you had a blast!
Love your birthday shoes 🙂
Happy birthday girrrl!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Great buys, you should always treat yourself for your birthday especially since you work so hard! Hope your day and night went perfectly.
Fashion Nostalgia
Happy Birthday!! Love everything you bought! U have super taste! Especially lovin’ that black crescent necklace! Vintage? I have a feeling you’re going to look amazing in that Cynthia Steffe dress!
Happy birthday, again!Amazing purchases and gifts!Love every single one!xoxo
Really great buys, can’t wait to see them styled.
so HAPPY BIRTHDAY! really nice buys and gifts, love them all, specially the shoes.
Awww happy birthday! What better reason for splurging? Great buys
Happy Birthday!…great items i can’t wait to see you rock the Cynthia Steffe dress
Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes..esp @Monica..haha..i only feel 23!
Love the style and fit of these slingbacks. Sam Edelman shoes are consistently high quality. I received a good value on this item. The shoes are comfortable and I’d definitely recommend them to all.