Happy Halloween To All
Here’s a snapshot of a huge pumpkin carving in Union Square. Below the carver worked diligently as onlookers observed.
So I have compiled a list of some of my favorite scary movies, books and very scary favorite short stories!
Awesome Horror Movies:
1) Ten Little Indians by Agatha Christie (Also A book: And then there were none) This book is awesome and I discovered it in high school. It is a mystery about 10 people invited to an island and then the murders start…but who is killing them off one by one???? See trailer below.
2). Wait until dark starring Audrey Hepburn (CLASSIC) as a blind woman who fights off an intruder in her home. Also discovered this gem of a movie in high school. See trailer below.
3). Thinner based on Stephen Kings book Thinner. I gypsy is hell bent on revenge after his daughter is accidentally killed by an overweight man. See trailer below.
Some of my favorite horror movies and books/short stories are classics and either in black and white or super before my time, thats why I love em’
Great scary short stories
Story of an hour: by Kate Chopin (1894) A woman learns of her husbands death with a TWIST. Read it here its only one page long of SHOCKING GOODNESS!
*Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl. This is by far my favorite short story of ALL TIME! I make everyone I know read it. Heck its only 2 pages that will leave your spine tingling! The tale of a woman scorned! Read it here
The tell tale heart. By Edgar Allen Poe. The story of a murderer and how he came to be found out! One page of terrifying angst! Read it here

Happy Halloween to All
So tell me which of the short stories was your favorite?
Be Safe!
Nice pumpkin carving!
One of my favorite short stories is ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ by Poe. I think it’s incredibly creepy.
Cool blog!
wonderful halloween post!! love it! 🙂 aand thanks so much for visiting my blog, i’m now following yours! 🙂 if you want, you can follow mine too :).
happy halloween btw! <3
<3, KC.
nice pumpkin 😛 Wish we had halloween in Holland.
I really love your blog btw ! You have real amazing style !
Wow, that pumpkin carving is fabulous!
Agreed – that pumpkin carving is breathtaking!
I only recently discovered Wait Until Dark as well and love it. A great thriller without gore.
so interesting halloween post.
i like your style at the old post. really cool.
keep in touch.
let me know.
Nicola freshONpr
Cool pumpkin!! And I loooove Wait until Dark.
Great post! Love the pumpkin 🙂 xoxo
that pumpkin carver got some skills
I love your blog 🙂