PACKING FOR MOROCCO Videography By Rose Lazard Editing by Monroe Steele What I’m Wearing Zara SADE Top | & Other Stories Mom Jeans | Katerina Makriyianni Earrings GET THE MOROCCO LOOKS Can you believe it? I’ve finally updating my YouTube Channel! If you haven’t checked it out head on over and Subscribe. I am headed to Marrakesh Morocco and I…
I know a lot of people dress around certain pieces whether that’s a great top or bottom or outerwear. Some people like to highlight their accessories and tone everything else down. I, dear readers am a shoe gal. I am THEE shoe gal. I love shoes and 90% off the time I build my outfit around my footwear. I’ve spent…
So today is Columbus Day, which pretty much means nothing to me other than I’m still at work and I’m probably on my computer indulging in the numerous sales happening right now. I’ve been trying to be good in lieu of my upcoming trip to Morocco but I just can’t help myself. The trends have never been better and I’ve…
I’m not quite sure when it happened but The Blazer, specifically the oversized old man blazer is making a comeback and I for one am not mad at it. Why you ask? Because it’s so freaking easy. I’m all for trends that don’t take much effort and a blazer is a quick way to pull together a look. These blazers…
Well, well, well look what season decided to unexpectedly pop up on unassuming New Yorkers this past weekend. This time last week it was a pipping, steaming, humid HOT. I decided to put off switching out my summer clothes because I figured it’d be in the mid 80’s for another few weeks. WRONG. Fall came with a vengeance it seems…
I do a lot of interviews for cool online publications and a question I’m always asked is: What 3 words to describe my personal style? That’s always a really tough question because those three words change every day, every month, every year. Personal style is something that evolves over time. The shit I was wearing 3 years ago is not…