My weekend observing Fashion Week and taking in all the gossip, parties, street style and fashions has come to an end. New York Fashion Week is only bearable for me in small doses. I had a wonderful time though and the highlight was definitely the Shopbop Diner Party, hanging out with my girls and the Christopher John Rogers & Tibi…
[aesop_content color=”#ffffff” background=”#feffff” columns=”2″ position=”none” imgrepeat=”no-repeat” floaterposition=”left” floaterdirection=”up” revealfx=”off” overlay_revealfx=”off”]I’ve been that person who’s looked at someone elses success and thought what’d they have that I don’t, that got them to that level? It was exhausting, especially in this blogging community where numbers talk and well, that’s about it; NUMBERS. The kind of numbers I don’t have but that hasn’t…
I’m not quite sure when it happened but The Blazer, specifically the oversized old man blazer is making a comeback and I for one am not mad at it. Why you ask? Because it’s so freaking easy. I’m all for trends that don’t take much effort and a blazer is a quick way to pull together a look. These blazers…
It’s a slightly nippy morning in late August and I can almost feel Fall swirling on top of the city ready to settle down. My favorite season, Summer, is quickly coming to an end and all I can see on the horizon is Fashion Week. Fashion Week, my favorite holiday, usually marks the end of Summer. But already I’m thirsting…
So happy I can finally burst out my suede shoes! I have so many pairs and Fall is the perfect season to wear them. I picked up this skirt while in Milan for Milan Fashion Week. I love it so much I got the same skirt in green, which I wore during Paris Fashion Week. Top: Forever 21 | Skirt:…
yes…Fall is in the air. there is a slight chill during the days now and gentle cool breezes at night. I’ve stopped using my air conditioner which is how I know for sure Fall is on the horizon. Buzz about New York Fashion Week has started stirring which is another tale-tale sign of Fall. Then there are the major sales happening…