this weekend was perfection. it hit 60 on Saturday and I could not in good conscience stay inside, nor keep my legs from experiencing the sun on them. I picked up the dress for less than $14 at Forever21 and have been meaning to get back to buy it in more colors. Its super easy and comfortable yet can be…
I used to run in high school. Last leg of the 4 x 2 and 100 meter dash. I was never very good but I loved being a part of the team. There was also a very cute boy I was after who ran as well. But thats neither here or there. Running has kind of stuck with me, even…
So lately I have been trying to gather my Athena DNA and be that strong and independent woman. I ‘m used to being tough, being vocal, and dominating most situations. I’ve learned to get the things I want I have to work hard, I have to be better and I have to continuously reinvent myself to prevent from staying stagnant.…
Hey Jen, thanks for letting me borrow your hat! So can we talk about this freaking weather in New York right now. It was actually pretty mild today and supposed to hit 60 tomorrow. YAAAASSSSSS! I am beyond excited. Even though its supposed to snow later this week. I cannot lie these past few weekends I have been having the…
Although I wasn’t able to make is to Paris this season, I loved that H&M did a collection and live streamed it! I am a HUGE H&M fan, it’s where I’ve found a lot of my fun staple pieces such as my denim overalls. Check out this stream from the show where French fashion expert Mademoiselle Agnès will give you…
i’ve pretty much been living in this Biggie sweatshirt for the past month. it’s super warm. i also always get asked where I got it. i think they are still selling it or variations of it at Urban Outfitters. Sweatshirt: Urban Outfitters | Jeans: H&M | Shoes: L.A.M.B. Oxley I need winter to end swiftly. xx Monroe