Full Time Blogging: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly from 4 Seasoned Bloggers

The price one pays for pursuing any professions or calling, is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side — James A. Baldwin I get a lot of questions about blogging especially how to transition from working a full-time 9-5 job into entrepreneurship. I answer a lot of those questions here but I wanted to dedicate a whole blog post to…
New York, NY
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15 Fashion Bloggers + Influencers Over 40 to Follow Now

A great deal of my followers are over the age of 40. HEY YALL HEY! Style knows no age so I am eternally grateful for all my big sister’s support out there. I love that the folks who follow this space age ranges span a good 5 decades! There is literally something for everyone when it comes to people to…
New York, NY
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2018 was a Helluva Year

In less than 24 hours it will be a brand spanking New Year ladies and the few gentleman that read this here blog. I can’t tell you how excited I am about that. 2018 has been one of the best years of my entire life. I feel as though I have really grown as a woman and as an entrepreneur.…
New York, NY
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20 Bloggers & Influencers I Follow On Instagram For Inspiration

Let’s face it we are all out here influencing each other. None of us invented the wheel here when it comes to blogging and influencing. Even if you aren’t an influencer or blogger I’m sure you and your circle of friends influence each others beauty routine, favorite hang out spots and more. It’s just human nature to connect with our…
New York, NY
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Balancing Blogging & A Full Time Job

So yesterday, on my instastories (before a did a little dance in my bathroom to one of my favorite songs), I asked any watchers if they had any topics they wanted me to write about. It’s actually pretty hard coming up with intriguing content every week. I try hard not to fall into the “this is my outfit and that’s…
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#SteeleVain an Intimate Brunch sponsored by HUE & Shea Moisture

#SteeleVain – An intimate brunch to celebrate unapologetic trailblazing women You know when you get something stuck in your head and you can’t get it out until you execute it? Creatives often gets this feeling and it was something I could not shake. I know so many amazing women doing incredible things and I wanted a way to bring them…
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