This blog post is in partnership with Everlane.
Would you believe that I’ve gotten more work in 2020 and made more money in the first 6 months of this year than I had all of last year? One of the things this pandemic has taught me, and it’s taught me a lot of life lessons, is that online businesses are flourishing. You probably noticed it too. Have you been ordering online more to cut down on having to leave your home? Have you been connecting to friends, family and colleagues via video messaging services? Have you been working remotely from home with the use of the internet? Have you been binge watching Netflix and YouTube? All of these things have something in common and it’s that they are all online. As someone who loves to shop, I’ve definitely been doing most of my shopping online for everything from fashion to essentials like groceries and toiletries. Speaking of fashion, I’ve partnered with Everlane on this post and wanted to show you all a few summer pieces that can easily transition from working from home to outdoor leisure. I love a good monochrome look and this lilac tank and matching linen skirt is the perfect easy breezy look for a day working at home followed by taking my weekly walk in my neighborhood park. I love the quality of their clothing and know that these pieces are going to last me for summers to come. They also have some really amazing summer footwear made with genuine leather too. Summer’s not canceled and you should still try to enjoy it. Get out and get some fresh air and feel the sun on your skin while wearing and Everlane face mask, then go ahead and start that online business. Here are 3 reasons summer 2020 is the best time to start your online business.

Remote Work Is The Way of The Future
Any nonessential job has already gone remote and has probably been that way since March. There has been a huge jump in people working from home and I think once companies realize the money they save by having their employees work remotely, I doubt companies will go back to the old way of working. We don’t know how long this pandemic will last and I’m sure a lot of companies don’t want to chance nonessential employees getting sick on their watch. There are too many ramifications and risks that I don’t think companies are willing to make to bring nonessential employees back to work if they can do their jobs effectively from home. I’ve had a number of friends who’s employers have granted them the option to work from home indefinitely and I have a feeling more companies will follow suit to avoid the legal risks. I think in the very near future that working from home will be the majority and the normality of work if you’re in a nonessential profession. Thus if you’re already working from home, it’s pretty easy to start planning your own online business. More and more businesses are making the shift to being online and if you can get in while the tide is turning that way, you’ll set your business up for success.

Everyone and their Mom and Grandma is Online
Because more and more people are at home during the day and also because people aren’t leaving their homes as much, everyone is online! Scrolling Instagram, Facebook and TikTok have become America’s favorite past times. Viewership on YouTube, Netflix and Hulu are at an all time high. The page views on this website have almost doubled since quarantine began! If there is ever a time to create an online business it’s now while everyone is online! There are so many avenues to start an online business. I’ve watched friends launch online clothing boutiques, Zoom workout classes, cooking courses, create eBooks and more all while in lockdown! The possibilities are endless and because so much of life is happening online right now, it’s hard not to get the eyes you need on your new online business. I’ve also noticed that brands that were able to quickly pivot their brick and mortar businesses to online businesses reaped the rewards of continued profits. It’s almost a necessity for a brand to have an online presence and this challenging time has really exposed that. Go ahead and start that online business while the most people are utilizing the internet.
The Rewards Outweigh the Risks
There are a few risks when starting any new business but an online business carries far less risks than a brick and mortar business. If it doesn’t work out the most you’ll sometimes lose is time. It doesn’t cost much to start a blog (it’s actually free through blogger.com) or a website where you can sell digital or physical items. I created my own ETSY store to sell digital products and it’s basically free. They only take a small percentage once you start makes sales. Platforms like Squarespace help you build a website from scratch for e-commerce and more. That’s the website I went with to sell my first print issue of Steele Magazine. Other places like Tradesy, Ebay, Poshmark and Vestiaire Collective are great for selling gently used goods, clothing and more. Sometimes all you need is a cell phone with photo capabilities to take photos and upload the items you’re selling to an app like Poshmark. With everyone using Zoom video chats now you can even set your business up that way if you offer a service like styling, personal training, cooking, consultations and more. The options are really endless and it could be completely free to start your online business!

Everlane Lilac Tank Top & White Tank Top | Lilac Linen Skirt | Everlane Sandals | Everlane Denim Jeans | Everlane Thong Sandals
There you have it 3 reasons summer 2020 is the best time to start your online business. In a time where things are so uncertain, it’s nice to have something of your own. Having an extra source of income or something that can potentially become a main source of income that doesn’t depend on anyone else can be a great source of calm in this storm. Initially I was worried about my job as a full-time content creator but quickly saw during this time my work has been more in demand than ever before. I’m really grateful that I’m able to still make a living when a lot of people didn’t have that privilege. It’s been a really eye opening experience. I think now we are all more acutely aware of the necessity of having multiple streams of income and not relying on one thing or putting all of our eggs in one basket. If you have an idea for an online business now is the time to start. The risks are low and the rewards can give you that security we all desperately crave in times of uncertainty. Many of us are working from home and one of the ways I incorporate some sense of normalcy is to continue getting dressed. If you’re looking for some amazing summer pieces from skirts to comfy tops, the perfect pair of denim jeans and trendy well made summer sandals head to Everlane and check out their selection of pieces that can easily transition from working at home to leisure summer socially distanced activities.
Do you think it’s a good time to start an Online Business? Let me know what you think below in the comments.
Loved this article Monroe !! thank you for always giving us great content.
Love your blog! Yes is a great time to get an online business. I’m currently working on my business, attending business workshops classes in my state and working on my business plan. Not to fond of doing YouTube but I will be starting my blog and website soon. I do have a couple of ideas in mind to go full force into my instagram business. Thank you Fashion Steele NYC! Keep doing what you love! Sis