It’s that time of year when it’s too cold to go out and stay out if you live here in the North East USA. Once you go out, come in, take off your bubble coat and Ugg Boots, you’re not leaving the house unless it’s for a check. LOL. I mean it gets dark at 4pm anyway, theres no longer a reason to even be out there with these brisk temperatures. Luckily, I barely have to leave my home, although sometimes I do just to feel like a human being and breathe fresh air. I’ve been cocooned in my cozy apartment under my delicious weighted blanket watching ALL THE TV. I’ve gone from Netflix to Hulu to Amazon Prime to Youtube in a matter of a day. Bouncing from sitcom to documentary to vlogmas YouTube videos. I’ve watched so many programs, I can probably certify myself as an expert in all things to watch on the idiot box. LOL. That’s what my middle school drama teacher called the TV and I dunno, for some reason it stuck. Anywho, since I’m an expert, let me share the goods and please do tell me what you’re watching too in the comments. Ya girl loves a good binge watch!

Dirty John – This show is bananas. I was hooked from the first episode. It’s all about dating via apps and looking for love. It was actually based on a really popular podcast. Anywho, I thoroughly enjoyed it and binged it in less than 24 hours! I also love Connie Britton and think she’s a fabulous actress. So I’m watching anything she’s in.
Explained – I absolutely love this show because it teaches me things. It’s so interesting too. They have a different topic every week from why people cheat to why women are paid less to the female orgasm and why diets fail. It’s such a great show and the good thing is the episodes are really short lasting anywhere from 14-25 minutes. It’s a great show to put on and just listen to while you work.
Bodyguard – Even though this came out last year, holy hell this show was so freaking good. I was on the edge of my seat the whole season. I hope there’s a season 2 because I’d be crushed! I need more.
Working Moms – This show is hilarious yet terrifyingly real. It’s a look into motherhood and balancing work and life as a new mom. Even though I don’t have kids, I throughly enjoyed this show and it made me a lot more conscious of the struggles my friends who have children face and how I can help.

911 – I love a little action, gore and humor so this show is one of my favorites. It’s also so informative with medical knowledge too. Not to mention one of my favorite actresses of all time Angela Basset, is a lead on the show. My girl Jennifer Love Hewitt does her thing on the show too. I might tear up at some point every episode.
Dish Nation – I love this show. I feel like it’s one of those shows you can put on while you’re doing work and just listen to it. The whole cast is hilarious and I especially like The Brat and Porsha from The Real Housewives take on what ever’s happening in pop culture. Since I don’t watch a lot of entertainment television I feel like this is the show that keeps me up to date on everything happening gossip related.
Dollface – I enjoyed binge watching this show one long weekend not so long ago. It’s all about how you can lose yourself in relationship. It was actually pretty hilarious and something I feel everyone can relate to. It’s a new show so I look forward to Season 2.
Living Single – An oldie but a goodie. I loved watching this show and now I can watch it anytime I want. I’ve already binged it twice since it’s been on Hulu. It’s such a classic and I can literally relate to anything happening in every episode. Definitely in the Top 10 of the best shows of all time.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel – I love this show specifically for Tony Shahloub who is an American Treasure. He is absolutely hilarious in this show. The 3rd season just dropped and I binged it in 2 days flat.
Greenleaf – I have no idea how I got hooked on this show but if you’ve ever attended a Christian Church…this show is some serious tea. There’s a lot of drama and I’m here for all 4 seasons of it. The cast is stellar too with greats like Lynn Whitfield.
Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorfs – Bergdorfs is one of my favorite stores in New York City. I go there for inspiration and every now and again to splurge on a designer piece or for a sale. It’s such a beautiful store full of fashion. This documentary was everything I needed and more. I needed a fashion fix and this provided it along with some cool information that I never knew about the famed store.
Savage x Fenty Show – This was an Amazon original and I loved every freaking minute of it. I mean it’s Rihanna. It’s fashion. It’s drama. It’s dancers. It’s cool. This documentary was everything I never knew I needed. I was inspired to create my ass off after watching it.

Lydia Millen – One of my favorite UK Fashion Bloggers who’s channel really inspired me to step up with my own vlogs. I could watch her sit and do nothing. That’s how good I want my vlogs to be.
Wenwen Stokes – This woman has an epic closet. I love her hauls. She does a lot of luxury and takes fantastic trips as well. She’s super chill too.
Chriselle Lim – Is one of my mentors. Well she doesn’t know it but I’ve gotten some great tips on running my business from her. She’s a wife and mom and one of the top fashion bloggers in the world. She and her family are hilarious.
HighLowLuxxe – Duh Jenee is my good friend and I love watching her channel. If you’re into hauls from thrifting to luxury she’s got you covered. She also does vlogs as well.
StylenBeautyDoc – Danielle always dishes the tips on beauty and skincare and I’m here for whatever she has to tell me. I mean have you seen her skin?!?
Patricia Bright – She’s legendary. I can’t wait till I’m on Mrs. Brights status. She’s hilarious and I’d watch her do nothing as well.

H&M Dress | Tamara Mellon Boots | & Other Stories Sunglasses
So that’s it…well not really, I’ve been watching way more stuff but I can’t fit it all here or this post would be too long. Have you watched any of these shows? If you have what did you think of them. Please don’t forget to drop your recent binge watches below in the comments. We have a long winter ahead of us here in New York City and I’ll be spending plenty of it in front of a screen.
Hey Monroe! I’m so glad I listened to your Netflix recommendation Dirty John. That show was disturbingly awesome. Because of you, I’ve shared this show with family and my coworkers. We are all hooked. Thanks for sharing!
Its so good! LOL.
Hi Monroe,
I love your sense of style. Since I am older I usually style similar pieces a little differently. I like that you don’t spend what seems like hours doing your makeup and don’t let those Trolls bother you about your skin ( they breakout too). Keep it moving.
I am watching: Sisters ( funny), Greenleaf ( hooked now, didn’t like at first), You ( can’t wait for season 2) and Queen Sugar is my favorite.
Hi Monroe,
Lately, I have been watch so much YouTube. My favorite Vlooggers are You ( of course)
Patricia Bright ( she makes me laugh)
Lydia Elise Millen ( home and fashion)
Theycallme_Mo ( personable and her glam vanity)
Dadouchic ( your friend Rose)
Thanks so much for the recommendations!
I’ve been hearing good things about The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I think I’m going to give the show a try. I’ve been binging Insatiable on Netflix – it’s hilarious! Thanks for the suggestions.
It’s such a good show! I’m gonna check out your recommendation! Thank you!