Bag Ladies Everywhere Rejoice! Erykah Badu is the new face of Givenchy!
I am pumped about Givenchy naming Erykah Badu as their new face. First off she is amazing. I have ALL her albums and couldn’t have gotten through college without her Worldwide Underground Album.
Pearls of Wisdom
I found this video of pearls of wisdom from older adults to be hilarious and yet very accurate.
The Huffington Post just listed their 13 ways to spot a New Yorker and they are hilarious. Check out the article HERE. When I first moved to New York 6 years ago from North Carolina the first thing I noticed is that New Yorkers walk HELLA fast and I mean HELLA fast. I still have a hard time keeping up with my native New York friends when walking (Amanda I’m talking about you). Sometimes I just say go ahead I will meet you there! I’m just use to moseying along and taking in the scenery. I do however object to tourist who hog the whole damn sidewalk like its their home and make me step over bags and all kinds of stuff just to get to my destination. I also agree with number 7 on the list. YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME IN TIMES SQUARE…unless I’m taking someone there for their first time or have to go there for some form of business. Even then I have to pop into the W Hotel bar and have a drink or I will hurt someone.