Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and for the first time in years, I don’t have to work today. I always thought that it was strange that all of the places I’ve been employed at my adult life, never recognized this historic and monumental day. I always felt a sense of bewilderment smothered in anger that I was working…
[one_half padding=”0 15px 0 0″] [/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 15px”] I’m all about self-care and even more so now that I spend the majority of my time at home. It’s a huge adjustment going from working for someone else for all of my teenage and adult life to recently working for myself. It can be pretty stressful making sure I…
In less than 24 hours it will be a brand spanking New Year ladies and the few gentleman that read this here blog. I can’t tell you how excited I am about that. 2018 has been one of the best years of my entire life. I feel as though I have really grown as a woman and as an entrepreneur.…
Let’s face it we are all out here influencing each other. None of us invented the wheel here when it comes to blogging and influencing. Even if you aren’t an influencer or blogger I’m sure you and your circle of friends influence each others beauty routine, favorite hang out spots and more. It’s just human nature to connect with our…
Well, it seems we’ve skipped right over Fall and are in full blown Winter here in New York City. I’ve lived here for 12 years and I’m still never quite prepared for the unexpected switch from Summer to Fall. It was literally 80 degrees one day and 55 degrees two days later. I spent 6 hours last Sunday switching over…
[one_half padding=”0 15px 0 0″]One of my most viewed videos on Instagram in a stroll around Harlem. It’s the route I walk 2 times a week from Spanish Harlem to the heart of Harlem at 125th Street and Lenox. I love this walk especially on a warm summer day. I’ve been living in Harlem for 11 years and there’s no…