Y’all know I live for a good house dress. It’s a southern woman staple for carefree around the house-ness while still being presentable should a delivery man or gentleman caller pop by (B.C. Before Covid). I get so many questions asking where I buy my house dresses, workout gear, athleisure and pajamas so I thought I’d do a blog post…
It’s time to break out your swimwear and make a bee-line to the closest beach or pool near you. Fire up the grill and throw on some burgers and hotdogs or grilled veggies. It’s one of my favorite times of the year, Independence Day! No… I don’t love it for the reason that it celebrates and you know why, I’m…
Let’s face it we are all out here influencing each other. None of us invented the wheel here when it comes to blogging and influencing. Even if you aren’t an influencer or blogger I’m sure you and your circle of friends influence each others beauty routine, favorite hang out spots and more. It’s just human nature to connect with our…
[one_half padding=”0 15px 0 0″]We are just 3 official days into New York Fashion Week and in you’re not into keeping up with the shows, I’ve got the rundown and all the Tea of the happenings surrounding fashion week. Bloggers, influencers, editors, and socialites oh my are out on the streets of New York City in full Fall looks. Which…
This week has been pretty eventful. I started my interviews for Fashion Steele Magazine this past Sunday. I wore my Attico Mules which are currently on sale while traipsing around Brooklyn. I finally met and interviewed two of my favorites. Amanda Murray, who I simply refer to as Fashion Queen and Ericka Hart who inspires me with her intellect and…
I’m not sure if it’s because Mercury is in retrograde or because my period started last Monday with cramps that made me double over; but last week was sent straight from hell. I was just so stressed out and every few minutes I could literally see the work piling up in front of me. I was drowning in work with…