Who says I can no longer Party in my 30’s?

I had a friend tell me this past weekend that when she turns 40 she’s done going to parties. I told her she can sit at home by herself because my 40 year old fabulous ass will be dropping it like it like it’s hot for as long as I can. I recently celebrated my 34th birthday and YES, I…
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Shop My Favorites

I’m Christian, He’s Muslim and he moved in right before …

A few years ago after getting out of an unhealthy relationship, I was out celebrating my birthday and a very cute waiter gave me his number on a napkin. I thought, what the hell, I’m in the mood for a little fun and I obliged when after chatting for a week he finally asked me on a date. He was…
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The Token Black Girl

Let me preface this by saying if you feel some kinda way about yourself after reading this…good this is for you.  Back when I first started blogging in 2010 it wasn’t for money. There was no money in blogging at that time, it was purely a fun hobby and grew into a way I could meet like minded and creative…
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VIDEO: Taurus Talk – Love, Business, Life & Astrology

Today is my Birthday Beloveds. I celebrated this past weekend by inviting a few of my favorite Taurus’ over for a little girl chat (and a very cool girl Aries as well, hiiii Rose!)! It was so much fun. We talked about life, relationships, love and business as it pertains to Taurus’ to see if what the astrologists say about…
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7 Ways to Manage Stress — Yes, Sex is on the List

It seems the whole world is looking for tips on ways to manage stress. It’s a stressful time and we all seem to be looking for ways to cope. When I’m stressed its very noticeable to me. My stress manifests itself as tightness in my jaw. The tightness can last for hours, days or even weeks. Here are a few…
West Village, NYC
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What Being Laid Off Taught Me About Being a Full-Time Blogger

Back in 2013 I was laid off my job. Mind you this company headhunted me from another company, paid me 15K more and then laid me off 4 months later. But I digress, the layoffs started and everyone started whispering. I was one of the last people hired so even though I knew it was coming I was devastated when…
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