Moon Palace Paradise

My trip to Mexico has come to an end. I’ve been back in New York City for a week and it took that full week to recuperate and assimilate back into worker bee mode. Our stay in Playa Del Carmen at Hotel la Semilla was an absolute dream. My boyfriend and I are still reminiscing about the amazing time we…
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Mexico is Paradise

I’ve been having an amazing time in Mexico, from Playa del Carmen at Hotel la Semilla to Cancun at Moon Palace. I must say, waking up before the sun and watching it rise over the pristine warm waters has become a daily ritual for my beloved and I. We spent the day at the beach, sleeping under thatched huts and…
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Hotel la Semilla

Hotel la Semilla has been nothing short of amazing accommodations while we’ve been vacationing in Playa del Carmen over the last 4 days. The staff is kind and very knowledgeable about the area. I love that the hotel is so small. I’m pretty sure we met all 6 people who work there including the owner. If you happen to stay…
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Playa Del Carmen

Playa del Carmen in the Mexican Riviera is one of my favorite places on earth. This is my second trip here, my first being about 7 years ago during Spring Break when I was in graduate school at New York University. I came with my good friend Alicia, and we had a ball. We rented a lovely condo with floor…
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I’ve been spending the last few months working on the Fashion Steele NYC 2014 Magazine. I thought it would be an awesome way to document my year in regards to this little space on the internet that’s my baby and my labor of love. I hope you all have enjoyed 2014 as much as I did and I look forward…
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Paris Style Diary: I Love NY

I always find time to wear my I Love NY shirt anytime I’m abroad. Let me let you in on a little secret…the whole world loves New York, even those who’ve never been. Top: NYC Souvenir Shop | Skirt: ASOS | Shoes: L.A.M.B. Mya | Clutch: BCBGeneration I has such a great time on my travels to Italy and Paris.…
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