Full Time Blogging: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly from 4 Seasoned Bloggers

The price one pays for pursuing any professions or calling, is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side — James A. Baldwin I get a lot of questions about blogging especially how to transition from working a full-time 9-5 job into entrepreneurship. I answer a lot of those questions here but I wanted to dedicate a whole blog post to…
New York, NY
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How to Make Money Blogging in 2019

The number one question I get after how to go about starting a blog, is how do I make money from blogging. People are genuinely curious because this creative job is so new and still pretty much in it’s infancy when it comes to being taken seriously as a reputable career path. I get tons of DM’s from people who…
New York, NY
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How to Start and Make Money from a Side Hustle

I’m in the business of blogging/influencing full-time for the past 5 months but before that, I was working a Full-Time 42 hour a week job as a Physical Therapist. Even though I was working full-time and blogging was my side hustle, I managed to make about $30,000 from my side hustle while working full-time last year. It’s totally possible to…
New York, NY
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Top 7 Assumptions about Fashion Bloggers

You ever heard the saying that when you assume you make an ass out of you and me? (ass-u-me) Well, I can’t tell you how many super rude assumptions are made about me everyday, especially as a full-time blogger/influencer or even when I was working my 9-5 and blogging on the side. A lot of people seem to have very…
New York, NY
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Make The World You Want — International Women’s Day

It’s International Women’s Day and I wanted to write something that would speak to women, especially women who let fear determine the the decisions they make. I was that woman. I was that woman for most of my adult life. I am just now starting to change my mind set and make decisions based on what makes me happy instead…
New York, NY
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4 Easy Ways to Elevate Your Brand, Blog or Business

[one_half padding=”0 15px 0 0″][/one_half] [one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 15px”] Fashion Week is right around the corner. I’ve been covering this epic fashion event for nearly 7 years. New York, Milan, Paris…good times. But right around this time my inbox and DMs start getting flooded with people asking me for PR Contacts and asking how they can go to fashion…
New York, NY
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