I feel like a lot of us are reflecting during this time, when the whole world seems to be holding it’s breath waiting for the Coronavirus to do what ever it’s going to do. Many of us are practicing social distancing and spending a lot of time at home. I’m sure a lot of us are thinking of what we really want out of life and maybe even of starting that thing we never quite had time to do. I thought this was a good time to share my tips for manifesting the life you want.
3 years ago a good friend of mine introduced me to a video that got me on the path to changing my thoughts, which helped me to change my life. My life today is the life that I always dreamed of but never thought was possible. I get to work from home. I get to travel the world. I make more money than I ever previously thought I could make. My friendships are flourishing and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. It didn’t come without it’s challenges though. I’m only human after all and it’s so much easier for humans to be negative, angry, fearful and jealous than it is to be optimistic, fearless and have faith that things are always working in your favor. A year in a half ago, I wasn’t happy with my job. I loved my jobs in spurts. I was working 45+ hours a week as a Doctor of Physical Therapy in a private practice. The job can be very physically and mentally draining but I loved that I was able to help people. In fact, helping people was best part of the job. I didn’t enjoy arguing with insurance companies.
I didn’t enjoy when my elderly patients I’d grow close with would die. I didn’t enjoy the arthritis I’d developed in my fingers, hands and wrists at age 30. I didn’t enjoy all the bureaucracy with healthcare and health insurance. I just wanted to help people but was way too fearful to ever think about quitting my well paying, high status job. I cheated and asked for a day off to pursue more of my passion project, this blog. I thought I deserved to do something that would make me happy. That lasted for all of a few months before I was asked to take a pay cut and that lead me where I am today. The universe or God or whatever you have faith in has a way of putting you on the path to your purpose no matter what road you take. No matter how much you try and fight it, talk yourself out of it or push it to another time in your life. There’s a little voice in your head and in your heart that tells you exactly what your purpose is…whether you listen to it or not is up to you. Here are my 5 Tips for Manifesting the Life You Want.

I credit my dear friend Rose with helping me to change my negative self-talk. For a few months whenever we were together and I’d say something negative she’d point it out and suggest a better way to say it. For instance, I’d say: I can’t afford this. She’d say: Well if you put that in the universe you will never be able to afford it. So instead say: One day soon, I’ll be able to afford anything I want. It took about 4 months of her correcting my words before I’d catch myself doing it in my mind and before I’d even say it, I’d change the thought to one of positivity and optimism. It took a full year for it to stick. Like I said, it’s much easier to be negative.
It’s much easier to let fear lead your life and have a mindset of lack instead of abundance. Your brain is so powerful. You become what you think. So if you think you’re not good enough, you won’t be. If you think you can’t achieve great things, you won’t. I wrote on my mirror in red lipstick that I am worthy. I read that every single day for a year. Which means I said it in my mind every single day for a year. You read something enough and it just seeps into your being. I still have moments where I let negative self talk creep in, I’m not perfect, but I don’t stay in that place for too long. Think better thoughts about yourself and about other people.

Goals are easier to obtain if you know what they are. You can have all the thoughts of what you want to do in the world but if you don’t write it down, you might forget! I have a list of goals for the year. I have smaller goals for every month. I have them all written out and in places where I can see them every day even if I’m not reading them. That’s a great way to remind you subconscious of those goals. I also take great pleasure in crossing things off my lists. I guess that’s just the very Type A weirdo in me. Writing is a form of self care to me. It’s a form of therapy. It’s a great way to clear your mind. If you suffer from anxiety like I do, journaling is a great way to be present, to get thoughts out of your head, to let go of burdens and to release that old energy to make way for new energy more in line with where and who you want to be.

This was one thing, especially in blogging that was never really an issue for me but that I know is a huge issue for a lot of people. There is enough for everyone. There is enough space for everyone. There are enough lanes for everyone. There is immeasurable abundance in the world. There’s so much abundance that our minds can barely comprehend it. Someone’s success is not your failure. Following someone’s playbook will not insure the same results for you. Jealousy is normal but it’s one of the ugly things about human beings. Being jealous takes so much energy. Use that energy to make yourself better. I’ve always known this but it wasn’t until I was out of having a lack mentality that I understood how hard it is to be freed from that thinking. Being jealous does nothing. It solves nothing, so just stop. When you find yourself thinking: Why did she get that trip, that campaign, that proposal, what’s so good about her?
Change those thoughts to: she deserves those things and I am genuinely happy for her. Even if you don’t mean it, say it in your mind anyway. That let’s the universe and your mind know that you’re changing and opening yourself for those good things as well. Like anything else, for it to become a habit you have to practice it regularly. It’s also imperative to remove yourself from people who think this way. You are the company you keep and if you surround yourself with people who are negative, jealous and operating from a place of fear and a mindset of lack it’s easy to fall back into that space. I’m in competition with no one. Honestly, I’m so focused on building my brand and fulfilling my destiny that I don’t have time to care what anyone else is doing. I also know that what’s for me is for me and won’t miss me. A win for anyone in my life is a win for me. You get out of life what you put into it.

This is just the fact of life. You know those people I spoke of who operate from a place of fear, meaning most of the decisions they make in life are based on the fear of something not happening or happening unless they do that thing. Those people usually also have a mindset of lack, meaning they don’t think there is enough for everyone. Those are usually the people who will have a lot to say about you following whatever dream it is you have because you are operating in the 10% of people who are not ruled by fear. You are stepping out of what 90% of humans do and that is foreign to them. Sometimes it makes them scared for you and to protect you they say things like: I don’t know if you should do that. I don’t think that’s going to work out. Blah Blah Blah. It’s not their fault. This is how most humans operate. They don’t know that there are no constraints on what can be achieved in life. They are too busy being prisoners of their self made confinements to be happy for you. There are people who will be jealous and will say nasty things about you, simply because you’re doing what they’d only wish they could do. Wish those people well and do you anyway. Let them watch while you live out your dreams. Hell your life may flash before their eyes when they die but you’ll die with no regrets.

Zara Top | Old Satin H&M Blazer | Old Uniqlo Pants | Creagh BK Bag | Bottega Veneta Pumps | Louis Vuitton Earrings | & Other Stories Sunglasses | Laura Mercier Lipstick Rouge Ultime
Lot’s of people have ideas. The people who succeed in life are the people who execute those ideas even if they fail. The magic is in the execution. You gain experience and learn a lot of lessons necessary to become a boss through trial and error. Some people are so concerned with failing or not doing something perfectly that they never even try. It’s quite sad to live that way. Think of every millionaire you’ve heard of. At some point some one told them they were crazy for even trying and that didn’t stop them from laughing all the way to the bank. Nothing is ever done perfectly. There will never be a perfect time to do anything in life. If you are waiting for the perfect time, you will never start. I saw that I could sell my blogger knowledge by writing a simple ebook with the most asked questions I get about blogging. It took me 4 hours to write that ebook. To date it’s made me over 20K in disposable income. There is always room. What if I would have said to myself…too many people have ebooks so I’m not gonna do it? JUST DO IT.
Maybe during this time of social distancing and self discovery…is the time for you to plan out your next moves for manifesting the life you want. Be safe and sanitary out there loves.
You sure write a book about this….It’s geat advise for people who just need a little push. Thanks for sharing these strategies. Great read!!
haha maybe I’ll do just that one day!
I enjoy reading your words of wisdom and will live by your quote “I AM WORTHY” as my daily affirmation. Be Blessed.
I would read that book if you wrote it Monroe!
Love this! My deadline to launch my blog is March 31st – Iāve been wanting to do it for many many years. Iām so scared but this blog give me so much inspo! Thank you!
No time like the present! Good luck!
Such inspirational post. love it! Thank you
Thank you for reading!
This is so true especially when it comes to writing it down. I remember my goal was to attend Paris Fashion week. No I didn’t go to any of the Dior or Chanel shows (oh it’s coming), but I actually went to Paris, for fashion week. That’s all that mattered. Writing down does work wonders. I am glad you found your happy place.
YAS! Paris is amazing. I’m hoping to go again after this all clears up!
Awesome and inspiring post, Monroe! Would you please share the name of the video that got you on the path to positively changing your thoughts. Thanks!
There is a clickable link to it. All you have to do is click it.
Excellent blog, Chica.
Thanks so much for reading!
I read this as if you were speaking to me!
Take away, JUST DO IT!
Yay! Glad it was helpful!
Two thumbs all the way up for this motivational blog post. I see a book in your future š
This is so timely & WONDERFUL! Merci, Mademoiselle
Thank you so much!
Such powerful words of wisdom from someone so young. There are very few people in my age group ( sixty’s) who even thinks this way. I agree with all the comments that you should write a book Monroe, your words are so inspiring, and helpful to so many people Thank You.
Thank you for reading. Maybe I’ll have to write that books soon!
Great words of encouragement Soror….I’ve been hesitant to start my blog out of fear that it will fail but I’m slowly but surely walking past that mindset. Intentional living is my goal.
Yes intentional living! Go for it.
You touched on every topic in this blog the part about not competing is by far the most important thing thank you for this
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for your words. I’m going to start my dream today. I was waiting for the perfect time… more money… a new computer. It was never right. It will be right today. Thank you again Monoe. I will start my blog today. Where can I buy your ebook?
Yes, theres no better time like the present! Theres a link above that says Pitch Templates. Click that and it will take you to all the ebooks or search fashionsteelenyc on Etsy.
Hello Monroe,
I was so busy with work and my baby I didn’t have time to read you anymore. I’m thankful for quarantine, I can’t finally catch up. I’ve always loved your words! I am happy for you, you are such an inspiration!
Glad you have a little time to catch up. Thanks for reading xx
Excellent as always! I wish more people realized that there is room enough for everyone to live their best life!
I live with great expectation knowing that my turn is coming soon! #Imnext
Yes! Thanks for reading xx
Great read, great useful advise, thank you
Thank you so much! Glad it was helpful.
Well written, you dropped loads of wisdom Ms. Monroe
Hi Monroe!
This was an awesome and inspiring read. Everything I needed to hear… the universe is always right on time!
Thank you!
Stay safe and healthy!
Thank you this is what I needed to start.
This is an excellent blog. Midway through I watched the Nightingale video on the Law of Attraction, which I am a believer in. I am so far from being a social media person, I found your content on YT just browsing during these interesting times (circa Drumpfās infestation aka coronavirus), but I am enjoying your essays and content. Who knew a blogger and YouTuber would help me to open up to the idea of social media? You are so much more than those two titles and I believe you know you have a gift to reach like minded people. This is the season I was suppose to come across your frequency. The blog was inspirational. I am going to resurrect my old list of goals, some of which have already manifested and like Nightingale said start all over with my 30 days goals, since I fell off. Keep up the positive energy and helpful work. I hope you receive your portion of the abundant wealth that is available to us all. And as you flourish please remember āSuccess is not the result of making money, but making money is the result of success, which is a direct proportion to our serviceā. You are a testament to the power of what manifestation can do.
Thanks for the great blog. I really needed that reminder. It is so easy to get into the ābeating yourself upā dialog for all the negative thoughts you notice you haveā¦again. Thank you!
Thanks for this piece. I just watched the video and it truly spoke to me. Ever since I found your blog (and channel), I’ve been hooked. I just have to say that you’re one of the very few influencers who have truly ‘influenced’ me by peeling back the curtain of the superficiality that surrounds us and speaking about inspiring things that truly matter. I also read your story about leaving your job and starting out on your own and it really opened my eyes. I’ve just started to truly get my life together and it helps to see a fellow black woman doing the damn thing. Keep being the inspiration that you are.
Hugs from Germany š
I have been following you for most of 2020 and love everything I have seen. Seeing this post is like icing on the cake. It’s very inspirational and spoke to me about some goals and ideas I have. The tone was very down to earth like your videos. Thank you for this post and for sharing the video that helped you, which I saved to watch until I finished this blog post. Happy new year. Wishing you many blessings and prosperity.