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I’m all about self-care and even more so now that I spend the majority of my time at home. It’s a huge adjustment going from working for someone else for all of my teenage and adult life to recently working for myself. It can be pretty stressful making sure I keep my bank account abundant and making sure I’m always finding ways to bring in income through blogging, influencing and creating my own products to sell. I’m pretty type-A and neurotic when it comes to my money so my anxiety is an area I consciously have to work on daily through meditation. Everybody has different areas in their lives that they want to improve. For me that’s my anxiety and stress when it comes to money. It’s also knowing that what’s for me is for me and won’t be missed so it’s ok if I don’t work myself into the ground. It’s ok for me to take time for myself whenever I need it without feeling guilty. Self-Care looks different for everyone and there is no one right way to self-care. For some people it’s a warm bath and for others it’s a day of doing absolutely nothing but laying in bed and binge watching Netflix. Honestly it’s whatever it takes to make you feel whatever your version of 100% is to you. Here are the 5 Ways I’m self-caring all 2019.
1. Dancing
I absolutely love dancing. I try to dance every day if I can even if it’s just a few minutes around my living room. I find that it’s a wonderful way to start the day and wake up your body by filling it with happy endorphins. People who watch my Instastories every morning know that when I make my daily cup of Nespresso Coffee, I dance! But what few people know is I was doing this well before I ever started recording it for Instastories. Music just does something to me, especially Soca Music and Afrobeats! Even if I wake up in a pretty somber mood as soon as I do a few minutes of dancing, I feel energized and ready to conquer what ever the day holds for me.
My Soca Playlist is below or you can check it out on Soundcloud
[/one_half_last] [one_half padding=”0 15px 0 0″]2. Meditation, Manifestation and Prayer
I was born into a family with a praying Grandmother. My Grandmother would pray over everything and every situation. She taught me at a very young age how to pray and it’s just something thats stuck with me throughout my life. I start every day with a prayer and end every night with a prayer. Even if it’s as simple as thanking God for waking me up that morning and for the roof I have over my head when I wake up. I usually follow every morning prayer up with about 10 minutes of meditation. While I’m meditating, I usually just clear my mind and breath. I relax, letting the tension dissipate from every part of my body starting at the top of my head and working down to the bottom of my feet. It’s pretty common for me to wake up and my body will be in a tight ball full of tension, especially my jaw after I dream about crazy things. Meditation helps to relax me before my feet ever touch the ground to start my day. I also like to do a few moments of manifestation, envisioning how my day will go and manifesting abundance, joy and gratitude.
3. Creating a Space of Joy, Creativity and Peace
Now that I work from home, I like my space to inspire me as well as provide me with a place of peace. When I want to splurge on nice things, it’s usually for my apartment. I just got a wonderful new comforter from Macy’s that helps keep me nice and warm at night so I’m not as tense in the morning. I also bought a new super luxe throw for my couch and some luscious plants and greenery to brighten up my space. I also invested in my dream Cloffice from the IKEA Pax Wardrobe System. It has changed my entire life. I actually love going into my office and sitting at my desk ready to create content for the week. It also serves as an awesome backdrop for my Instastories and Youtube Videos. I’m pretty obsessive when it comes to scent (whether for myself or my space). I am obsessed with candles and reed diffusers. This one from Primark is Madagascan Vanilla and it creates a whole mood in my Cloffice. I enjoy buying little knick knacks to elevate my space like this marble cutting board and my favorite glass coffee mugs. I also sage my apartment at the beginning of every month while setting new intentions for my space.
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4. Coffee + Reading + Writing
I think it may be a Taurus thing but I love food. I’m kind of a coffee snob and I have to have a delicious Nespresso every morning. It actually helps to curb my appetite well into mid-day but another added benefit is that it keeps me pretty regular. Yes, here we are talking about bowel health LOL. Sheesh. But it’s true. 10 minutes after a few sips of my delicious Nespresso Mexican or Cuban Flavored Coffee, and I’m right there on the toilet. I guess the caffeine gets things moving which is great because for some reason I’m obsessed with my bowel health too. One thing I’m so grateful for is the new found time I have to read. Reading it one of my all time favorite pastimes and it helps me to be a more creative writer. I have so many new books I can’t wait to dive into this year. Reading keeps me sane. I even subscribed to the New York Times and fell like such an adult. Conversely, writing is my passion and luckily I get to feed that passion regularly thanks to this blog. This whole section is mainly doing the things that make me happy. That’s probably the number one way I’m self-caring my way through 2019.
5. Not depriving myself
If I see something I want I don’t deprive myself. If I have the means and all my bills are paid, I don’t feel guilty about buying myself a new set of pajamas or new pair of earrings or finally purchasing a flight to a place I’ve always wanted to go. I used to be one of those people waiting to travel because no one else could afford it or get the time off. So I traveled alone. One of the best trips I’ve ever gone on was a 2 week solo trip to Paris. That trip still holds a special place in my heart. I don’t beat myself up for treating myself either. I work hard and this is the only life I have. I enjoy treating myself even if it’s just a monthly manicure and pedicure or a $40 hot stone massage. It also helps me from spiraling into anxiety about money and contemplating going back to working for someone else.
So this year I’m self-caring my way through 2019 with a little dancing, prayer, meditation and manifestation. A lot of doing the things I love while creating a space to do so and not depriving myself.
What are some ways you are self-caring this year?
I really need to practice not depriving myself. If I have the funds available after paying my bills, I want to treat myself occasionally to new clothes and/or trips.
The Style Intermission
YES! Make that one of your goals for 2019.
This post is so wonderful sis! Where do I even begin with what I like! Alright, let me say that it seems we have a few things in common. For one. I’m pleasantly surprised to learn that you are a Soca fan. Isn’t it such feel good music?!? Same for Afrobeat. Also, my grandmother was a prayer warrior too. She passed that on to my mother and I think to me too. Even though I no longer ascribe to Christianity, I still believe in the power of prayer. In my opinion it’s a great spiritual tool…that and meditation. I’ve been meditating for the past 15 years and the practice has been one of the most uplifting and positively transformative things in my life. There are times when I slack off both but I always jump back on the wagon. Every thing else on your list resonates with me, either because I can relate or because it inspires me. Thank you so much for sharing. Yours is one of my favorite blogs. I particularly enjoy your life/lifestyle and travel posts. Btw, your pajama set is adorable. I’m tempted to find a similar one 😉
P.S. Please come to Trinidad & Tobago Carnival in 2020
Thank you so much Jenissa for reading and taking the time to comment. Girl its the best most happiest music on earth and I LOVE IT! Shout out to all the Caribbean men I’ve dated who put me on and broke my heart LOL. I will definitely come find you love.
Short answer: I love reading as well. So fuzzy socks + great stories, whether fiction or non-fiction, is the first stop in my happy place. So I am committing to maximizing my time doing that in 2019. I am also choosing deliberate, joyful living!
YAS! I love a fuzzy sock too LOL. Thank you so much for reading!
This is a great article. As women we often feel guilty about caring for ourselves an putting ourselves first. I’m making it my goal to rest when I need to, beautifying my space, treating myself to flowers and pedicures and traveling more. Even if it means going alone!
YES! I’m all for doing things alone. These are great ways to self care. Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment.
I really need to practice not depriving myself. If I have the funds available after paying my bills, I want to treat myself occasionally to new clothes and/or trips.
The Style Intermission
YEs! Treat Yourself! Thank you for reading.