Top 7 Assumptions about Fashion Bloggers

You ever heard the saying that when you assume you make an ass out of you and me? (ass-u-me) Well, I can’t tell you how many super rude assumptions are made about me everyday, especially as a full-time blogger/influencer or even when I was working my 9-5 and blogging on the side. A lot of people seem to have very…
New York, NY
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A Week Balancing my 9-5 and Blogging

The most commonly asked question I get is how do I balance my 9-5 job and blogging. I was having a chat with Ijeoma Kola during the Purewow in the Hamptons event and she actually inspired me to write this post. I never quite know what to say when people ask me this question. For the most part I just…
New York, NY
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