The number one question I get after how to go about starting a blog, is how do I make money from blogging. People are genuinely curious because this creative job is so new and still pretty much in it’s infancy when it comes to being taken seriously as a reputable career path. I get tons of DM’s from people who…
I’m in the business of blogging/influencing full-time for the past 5 months but before that, I was working a Full-Time 42 hour a week job as a Physical Therapist. Even though I was working full-time and blogging was my side hustle, I managed to make about $30,000 from my side hustle while working full-time last year. It’s totally possible to…
You ever heard the saying that when you assume you make an ass out of you and me? (ass-u-me) Well, I can’t tell you how many super rude assumptions are made about me everyday, especially as a full-time blogger/influencer or even when I was working my 9-5 and blogging on the side. A lot of people seem to have very…
[one_half padding=”0 15px 0 0″]I’m sitting at 21.7K followers on Instagram right now (3:29pm EST on November 27th). By the time this post goes live on Saturday, I’m almost positive I’ll be at 21.9K. I’ve gained a steady 100-150+ followers every day for the last 3 weeks even though I barely get 1K likes a photo. I can’t lie not…
WARNING: The is a very lengthy post (but worth it) Occupation: Doctor of Physical Therapy (9 years) & Fashion, Lifestyle & Travel Blogger (8 years) Salary: 100K+ (Physical Therapist + Blog Salary) I’ve always wanted to do one of those Refinery 29 Money Diaries. I find those articles to be incredibly interesting. Perhaps it’s because I’m nosy and I’m the…
Back in 2013 I was laid off my job. Mind you this company headhunted me from another company, paid me 15K more and then laid me off 4 months later. But I digress, the layoffs started and everyone started whispering. I was one of the last people hired so even though I knew it was coming I was devastated when…