It’s my BIRTHDAY! Hello 30s. Dress: Haute Hippie | Shoes: Bow Pump by Aminah Abdul Jillil Thanks to everyone who’s wished me a Happy Birthday. It’s a blessing to have so many awesome friends, family and readers! Ya’ll are really the best. The Turn Up begins now! xx Monroe
My birthday is in 4 days. I started celebrating officially this past weekend. I knew I wanted to take birthday photos in this amazing sequin Antik Batik dress that I picked up from Reciproque in Paris. I use the 125th St 1 train station atleast 3 times a week and I realized it’s painted in the same colors of my…
29 years ago today I was born. I’m so glad I was…these last 29 years have been pretty fun. I like life a lot. I mean yeah…i’ve been laid off a job, had my heart broken more than once, and my computer has crashed 4 times but life it still pretty damn good. I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot…