BLOGGING: Money, Morals and What I Wish Brands Knew

I’m having one of those days. I’ve already texted Jen who I usually go to when I’m feeling pangs of defeat stemming from blogging. I just heard that a blogger got a five figure huge campaign. This has to be like the 3rd campaign in a matter of a week that I’ve heard about through the grapevine paying out huge…
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Shop My Favorites

VIDEO: Staud Shirley Bag Unboxing + Clear Bags Haul

Here’s a look at my latest UNBOXING VIDEO! I finally got my hands on the Staud Shirley Bag and I am in love with it. It’s the perfect summer accessory! I also wanna show you guys my other clear bags. Yes, I have more than one. I’m really loving this trend and all 3 of these range in prices so…
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My Favorite Transparent Bags & Accessories

Yes, I was rocking the Transparent Trend in the Spring and I’m rocking it right into Summer. I now have an entire collection of transparent bags, 3 to be exact: this Staud Shirley bag, this Mango Bag that’s currently on sale and this tote with an amazing amber handle. I also just noticed that I feature each bag in my…
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On the Transparent & Heavy Knit Trend

Hello, my name is Monroe Steele and I am a transparent & heavy knit trendaholic. I have jumped all the way on the bandwagon. I’ve taken lessons and I’ve actually become the driver of said bandwagon. Lol. I can’t keep myself from buying clear things. This trend is cyclic, meaning clear and transparent items come back into fashion every 3-4…
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