You ever heard the saying that when you assume you make an ass out of you and me? (ass-u-me) Well, I can’t tell you how many super rude assumptions are made about me everyday, especially as a full-time blogger/influencer or even when I was working my 9-5 and blogging on the side. A lot of people seem to have very…
Here’s a look at my New York Fashion Week Day 3 – 5! Make sure to check out the Vlog too, it’s live! [one_half padding=”0 15px 0 0″] [/one_half] [one_half_last padding=”0 0 0 15px”] DAY 3: Missing my shows and the most star studded and inclusive shows ever, CHROMAT I missed my first few shows of the morning after…
My eyes hurt. I’m pretty sure I’ve pulled whatever that muscle is that makes your pupils dilate. I hadn’t planned on writing this post for atleast 2 more days but of course stores started the sales hella early this year. They might as well call it Black Week starting the Monday before Thanksgiving and ending on Cyber Monday after Thanksgiving.…
This Spring and Summer I collected slip dresses the way a coin collector collects coins. Let’s just say I didn’t meet one slip dress that I didn’t like. The slip dress trend has been going strong for the last 3 years and I don’t see it going away anytime soon. I love the texture of a good slip dress, most…
My weekend observing Fashion Week and taking in all the gossip, parties, street style and fashions has come to an end. New York Fashion Week is only bearable for me in small doses. I had a wonderful time though and the highlight was definitely the Shopbop Diner Party, hanging out with my girls and the Christopher John Rogers & Tibi…
This is perhaps the best week of all time for Sales. I’ve already got my carts locked and loaded and have pulled the trigger on a few luxury items I’ve been waiting to go on sale! Thank goodness I set aside some coins for this time because I’d have serious FOMO if I missed any of these amazing sales. Don’t…