This Nasty Woman is 33 and single…and yes HAPPY too

Ladies and the few gentlemen who visit this space, I am 33 and single. I am OK with it and you should be too. It wasn’t always this way. I can’t tell you how many times I complained to girlfriends on the phone about how men ain’t shit. About how some D-bag probably had sex with his co-worker while we…
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Shop My Favorites

Lingerie in the Day

My good friend Alicia recently started a lingerie site and she has inspired me to start rocking lingerie as daywear. Saturday when I attended the Maybelline Rooftop Lounge for their New York Fashion Week party, I saw so many women rocking basically nightgowns with heels. Satin slip dresses are in, and hell it’s surely hot enough to just roll outta…
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In my element

I am a very outgoing person and would describe myself as an extrovert. I am loud and funny and I love making people laugh. I like to sing and sometimes I dance down the street with my headphones on while listening to oldies music. I have no problem making a fool out of myself if it will put a smile…
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An Express Spring in New York City

This past weekend was the first day the weather crept above 70+ degrees. It was amazing. It was the first day in New York where you could officially go without a jacket and the sun felt amazing on my skin. The flowers are blooming and on an early Sunday morning people were out in full force along Washington Square Park…
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