I had an amazing birthday week last week and I actually did take some time off and wasn’t doing much linking or giving much information on what I was doing and wearing. So I promised you all that I would link everything in a blog post and here it is! All the details on what I wore and did on…
Miami Beach, FL
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Bad B*tch — How a Chance Encounter with ASAP Rocky confirmed what …

The Time: 7:50 PM May 15th, 2017 The Place: In an Uber headed to Ysabel in Los Angeles, California for my 33rd birthday dinner We were in an Uber with a driver from Brooklyn or the Bronx, I don’t remember but I do remember the music playing. There were no words just a steady stream of beats. I instantly knew…
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Brooklyn Bridge Birthday

29 years ago today I was born. I’m so glad I was…these last 29 years have been pretty fun. I like life a lot. I mean yeah…i’ve been laid off a job, had my heart broken more than once, and my computer has crashed 4 times but life it still pretty damn good. I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot…
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