Top 7 Assumptions about Fashion Bloggers

You ever heard the saying that when you assume you make an ass out of you and me? (ass-u-me) Well, I can’t tell you how many super rude assumptions are made about me everyday, especially as a full-time blogger/influencer or even when I was working my 9-5 and blogging on the side. A lot of people seem to have very…
New York, NY
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What really goes into a Blogger Photoshoot

As some of you may or may not know, I have a full-time job outside of blogging (except for that time I was laid off and relied on blogging to survive). I am a Physical Therapist working 42 hours a week. That doesn’t leave much time for blogger events and blogging but I somehow manage to make it work. I’ve…
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What Being Laid Off Taught Me About Being a Full-Time Blogger

Back in 2013 I was laid off my job. Mind you this company headhunted me from another company, paid me 15K more and then laid me off 4 months later. But I digress, the layoffs started and everyone started whispering. I was one of the last people hired so even though I knew it was coming I was devastated when…
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